Friends of the
Pickman-Remmer Wetlands
The Friends of Pickman-Remmer Wetlands is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation, conservation and history of the State- owned 87 acre conservation area as well the surrounding wetlands and Connetquot River ecosystem.
Photographs of Wetland Birds, Credit: Photographer Brent Shaum
The Pickman – Remmer, wetlands are comprised of 87 acres of wetlands habitat in Oakdale New York that adjoins the Grand Canal and are an integral portion of the Connetquot River estuary.
The Wetlands are owned by NYS DEC and are recognized by Audubon as an IBA (Important Birding Area) and NYS DEC as a BCA (Bird Conservation Area).
In addition to the DEC wetlands the Friends have taken ownership and are stewards of four parcels adjoining the Wetlands or the Connetquot River.
The Friends goal is to:
- support NYSDEC management of the area
- provide and support educational programs. - improve and preserve bird friendly habitat
- provide and encourage public access
- remove garbage
- plant bird friendly native species
- construct bird watching stations
-Lessen the risk of community flooding by improving the health of the wetlands that absorb and dampen tidal extremes
-Reduce mosquitoes by fostering bird, bat and fish populations and by improving water quality
- Increase opportunities for recreation and education by providing public access to the beautiful Connetquot River and wetlands
-Improved community quality of life by working with neighbors and volunteers to remove trash and discourage vandalism and hooligans